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The difference between a 'Slip' and a 'Relapse'

Did you know there is a game changer by understanding the difference between a ‘Slip’ and a ‘Relapse’? Many debates have filled ‘the rooms’ on this issue with no end in sight. However, no matter what side you are on in this debate here are the facts. You decide.

A ’Slip’ short for ‘Slip up’ is a one-time use of your DOC (Drug Of Choice). This means that you intentionally, or accidentally had a one-time use, and immediately returned to your treatment plan such as IOP, attending meetings, continue to see your therapist etc.. I say accidentally because, recently a former client informed me that she was at a 12 Steps AA meeting and feeling thirsty. She asked the chair of the meeting for a drink of water and he gave her a container which was closeby. In her innocence, as she took the first sip and it began to go down her throat she spat it out immediately because she tasted alcohol. True story.! At an AA meeting. Figure out the end. Also, at times people accidentally pick up the wrong drinks at events and ugggh…too late. When there is a ‘Slip’ clean time is lost and you have to start over. A ‘Relapse’ is an intentional use where the person continues to use for a significant period…go on a run…which can be an eternity before seeking help.

It is significant to know this salient difference because many in drug addiction who do not know the difference turn a 'Slip’ into a ‘Relapse’. It goes like this, “ Well I relapsed so I might as well….” This happens frequently. I am part of a Addiction group on the internet and I read this so often. Now you know.

To avoid the accidental ‘Slip’ at events I highly recommend that you ensure that your non alcoholic drink is in a different color receptacle from the ‘normal’ at the event. Should one have a ‘Slip’ seek help immediately. For a ‘Relapse’ remember your consequences and seek help at the earliest opportunity. So returning to my opening comment. Is there a difference between a ‘Slip’ and a ‘Relapse? You decide.

Remember, “The same person will always use.”. Romans 12:2 states “And be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” Transformation is the key to recovery. A grateful addict never uses.

Have a Blessed day in the Lord,. You deserve it.

From the desk of Andy Ansola