HeartsFlow Inc.

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The New Future

Took me a while to get to here. Watching with great detail, pinching my arm to wake up from this dream. I once lived in a world where we were already far apart mentally, and socially, but now physically…social distancing. Under this guise someones prayer was answered who just did not want to be close to some ‘special’ person. Just me thinking out loud. But I never thought the day would come when I can walk into any establishment especially a bank with a mask on; by the way these types of robberies has declined. This is definitely the New World order that was spoken of for many past generations.

Corona virus has scared the ‘aliens’ who have been watching and planning their attack on humanity. The humans have gone mad; maybe we need to rethink our strategy they are saying. The things we took for granted now become significant for our daily lives. Martin Luther King Jr. spoke about the relevance that everyone’s occupation brings to the table and now it is evident. That McDonald worker that you once disrespected because of their social status looks very different today. The cleaner who you always snubbed is now so vital for your existence. And your money cannot save you.

Who is laughing now? By the way I just felt like writing this morning and wanted to join the crowd. Everyone these days has an opinion and has become an expert looking for any platform to be heard. Hey I can write too. I wrote this poems in 1997 which spoke about the media frenzy. Oh one last thing before I post. Twenty years ago I saw this coming as I began to pen a new model for grief, loss, and healing. I would tell my peers that this will be needed universally and here comes Corona to prove me right. I am co authoring the book at this time; details to come. Hey, have a great day, you deserve it. Nothing changes if nothing changes. Ooops, I forgot. My bad, Nothing takes my God by surprise. Corona can be used as a tool to lead the unsaved to Christ.

From the desk of Andy From Miami