An on-time God of the universe

Timing is everything…and over the years it has been evident to me that God has the best timing. I can remember when desperation set in about a bill, a phone call, a health report…an addiction. Yes! when the world seemed uncaring and unfair and there was no one to turn to. Then comes the ‘Foxhole prayer’…Oh God…please get me out of this one! I promise I will never do it again!

If you are reading this you know exactly what I am talking about. Somehow, someway….Boom! Cry answered for the atheist and agnostic, and prayer answered for us who believe. The God of the universe is an on-time God, and he shows off with every opportunity that we give Him. Today, this blog is for you who want to start a new season in your recovery journey, knowing that there is an on-time God who shows up in our most desperate moments. I invite you on a daily journey as I share my experiences with those who are seeking a connection or reconnection with God in their search for sobriety.

Working daily (except Sundays…you know why) with drug addicts who are seeking recovery, I hear time and time again that the beginning of the addiction started when the connection was hijacked by the DOC (Drug of Choice). Sounds familiar? Especially those who have relapsed when they stopped doing what works; such as talking to God daily through prayer and meditation. When the addictive brain says take some time off. Beware! That time off will make you take your mind off the finish line. Time off gives room for distractions, which gives us a Peter experience when he walked on water at the beckoning of Jesus (Matthew 14:28-31) .

Want to beat your addiction!? Follow me on this daily blog, and I will give you the tools that I have used over the years for myself and countless others who are now enjoying a season of planting and reaping recovery having finally dug out the root of addiction in their lives.

Have a blessed day in the Lord. Remember the following; Do the next right thing, and nothing changes if nothing changes. God loves you.

From the desk of Andy Ansola

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