'Sick' and 'Tired' of being 'Sick and Tired'? Submit!!

Ever thought how this action called ‘submission’ may be the game-changer to end the misery that we are experiencing right now? Just close your eyes for a minute and think about it. It can be looked upon as a scary experience, or as a ‘foxhole’ prayer answered again- even to those who ignorantly or innocently claim they do not believe. The truth is that we all submit to something(s) daily without a choice. Whether it is to God’s will in our lives, our current ‘unmanageable’ circumstances, or our idol(s) of choice, (for drug and alcohol addiction- your DOC). Well let’s take a deeper dive into this term ‘submission’, and how it can bring immediate relief to our current life stressors whatever they are.

For those of us who are ‘sick and tired of being sick and tired’, who goes from ‘handing over’ to ‘grabbing back’ in a repetitive cycle- this is what we are really ‘sick and tired’ of. From ‘handing over’ the steering wheel to God, Higher Power, God of your construct, or God of your understanding when things get really ‘unmanageable’, to ‘grabbing back’ when we believe the storm(s) of our lives have passed. FYI…there will always be a storm, but the real question is who will we submit to and allow to be in the midst of the storm with us? Well, this ‘handing over’ and ‘grabbing back’ is actually what we are ‘sick and tired’ of. Think about it.

Now that we have given this some serious thought, let’s dig a little deeper into this vicious cycle of ‘sick and tired’. With hands up we cry out “I surrender ALL!” But do we really surrender ALL? Oftentimes (and I am positive that you can relate) we say we surrender ALL, but in actuality we surrender only the things that we have no control over. And this is a great start following the serenity prayer from the ‘rooms’…..”God grant me the SERENITY to ACCEPT the things I cannot change, the COURAGE to change the things that I can, and the WISDOM to know the difference.” But the storm is not over, because we held on to that 1, or 2, or more things that we falsely think we can control. These things that we hold on to are our addictions! Now we know! I will give you some time to enjoy your AHA!! moment.

Here is a vivid demonstration. My guests (past and present) are well acquainted with this. Ever played poker? (not encouraging you to gamble), where the ‘best hand’ is Ace, King, Queen, Jack, and 10 of diamonds? No one can beat that. So, you are at the poker table, and upon checking you have the ‘best hand’ and you smile. You smile because you are ready to go ALL in- there is that ALL word again. Sounds familiar? I surrender ALL? You push your stack forward with sweaty palms because you are about to gloat over the other suckers. As you are raking in the pot (no pun intended) with joyous tintinnabulation another player shouts, “House man! He had a chip under his coffee cup….soda….drink….whatever! Ooops! You just lost the pot! You did not go ALL in! Although it was a genuine mistake, you lost the pot because a chip was left back. You broke the rules/laws of the games, and ignorance of the law is not an excuse. I learned this rule law almost almost 40 years ago as a young police officer in training. That left back chip was your addiction! Did you know that there are also rules for the game of Sobriety? You did not go ALL in similar to you did not surrender ALL. ALL means total 100% submission. And we daily break the rules. In life, when we choose to be enslaved by our DOC or circumstances, we are actually breaking the Sobriety rules. Got it?!

In Matthew 11-28-30 Jesus who knew that some day…one day…today… you will be ‘sick’ and ‘tired’ speaks directly and clearly to us. He gives an open invitation if we are willing to listen, hear, obey, trust, and respond. Familiar words? He says, “28 Come to Me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Put My yoke upon your shoulders—it might appear heavy at first, but it is perfectly fitted to your curves. Learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble of heart. When you are yoked to Me, your weary souls will find rest. 30 For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light..”

What an open and free invitation! Best invitation ever! Who or what are we submitting to right now while stubbornly neglecting and swatting away the loving outstretched open hands of the Waymaker, Provider, Miracle Worker and Promise Keeper? That is the question. It is also the answer. Ready to fully submit? No RSVP needed.

Your healing, your sobriety, whatever it is that you are diligently seeking after just got a booster shot in the arm of the ‘power of submission’ if you just surrender ALL. Jesus goes further on to say in Matthew 21:2222 If you believe, whatever you ask for in prayer will be granted.” This is a promise from the lips of the PROMISE KEEPER.

This open invitation is yours to accept right now if you are really ‘sick’ and ‘tired’ of being ‘sick’ and ‘tired,’ and your life has become ‘unmanageable'.’ You think about it! And make the move right now to permanently escape from the bondage of addiction or other circumstance(s).

Remember my dear guests, ‘nothing changes if nothing changes,’ do the next right thing,"‘ and ‘the same person will always use.’ Think on these things.

Have a Blessed day in the Lord. You deserve it.

From the desk of Andy Ansola

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