What Is Your Motive?

We all have motives….we all have reasons for doing what we do. But the real question is “Does our motives line up with God’s word?” The Holy Spirit has a strange way of speaking to our consciences. And I recently had an encounter, where it tested my motive as I continue on my walk with the Lord.

I went to the get my car washed in the drive-through with my eye on the clock. As I went inside the gas station to pay for the wash there was an elderly man ahead of me. From my vantage point, it first appeared that he was buying lottery tickets; he does not know the truth otherwise he would not be gambling….Judge Andy. But as I redirected my judgemental thoughts and immediately confessed , I observed he was doing a credit card transaction. The attendant was walking him through the process, and now this was like eternity because I was running out of time. The transaction was about to be cancelled because there was a balance of seven cents. I intervened and gave the man one dollar which to me was the best thing to do….someone in need…right? The man thanked me and I missed the golden opportunity to say “No. Thank God.”

After I purchased my wash and proceeded to the car wash another vehicle went ahead of me. So I decided that I will return later that day. As I was driving away heading to work the Holy Spirit asked the question, “Did you give the elderly man the seven cents so that he can get out of your way, or because you genuinely wanted to help?’ Boy, what a question! It made me think. Really think.

This is a question that we should all ask ourselves in our daily lives as we interact with others. What is my motive? Is it done for our selfish desires or to further the kingdom of God? Matthew 6:33 states, “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” As I translate this into the disease of addiction, as we seek to transform our lives, this is a great guiding question to address. What am I doing this for? To ease the pain without addressing the root, or I just love doing me? By the way, my honest answer was both…but in order…helping someone in need first, and then taking care of me second. You think about it!

Good morning!

Remember, ‘nothing changes if nothing changes,’ and ‘the same person will always use.’

Have a Blessed day in the Lord. You deserve it!

From the desk of Andy Ansola

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