Worship Through My Writing

Worship through My Writing

April 12, 1989. The day that I packed my bags with my best friend Claudius Riley. We left our careers and loved ones behind, and began the chase for wisdom. and freedom. ‘Starsky and Hutch’ were on a mission to take a bite of the ‘Big Apple’.

I knew of God but was not saved. I was experimenting with Islam. Thus, when I landed in JFK I was fasting observing Ramadhan. It was a rocky start which will be explained in my memoir. As a ‘JC’ (Just Come) the label that one gets branded with back in the day, I had to learn, and learn fast to get rid of the label. This experience took me through hills and valleys as I tried to find myself, and at times questioning if this was the right move. But as I reflect on my life today, the invisible hands of God was upon me. The many confirmations of God presence were ignored as I tried to make sense of my new life in this new environment.

In 1992 I came to my senses and left Brooklyn for Florida. Goodbye New York. My thirst for wisdom led me to St. Thomas University through a series of events and the ‘sleeping giant’ my writing, broadcasting and media skills took off; especially my gift of writing. Keep in mind I became a trendsetter. The first in the family to go to college and graduate (valedictorian). Settling in Hollywood, now armed with a BA in Communication Arts, Criminal Justice and Religion with a minor in History the chase turned another corner when I graduated with my MS in Marriage and Family Therapy with a Certification in Grief, Loss, and Healing. But God was orchestrating his plan and not my plan.

You see, I believed in God from my childhood, but could not come to grasp with the concept of this Jewish guy who died and was risen. As I struggled with this, I asked God for proof. Be careful for what you ask! In 2008, while fasting as tradition in Lent, on my knees praying, Jesus showed up. I had a personal encounter with Jesus, my Lord and Savior. He was on the ‘rugged cross’ with the wreath of thorns on his head, he was crying drops of blood, and looking in my direction He said, “Here I am Andy. You wanted proof. It is time to believe in me. Time to come home.” And poof! He disappeared. Since that encounter my life has never been the same.

Ohh! Riley. Yes. I encouraged him to move to Florida in 2004, and he did. ‘Starsky and Hutch’ were back, but on 2 different paths. In 2012 he died from a massive heart attack. And I honor him today by writing this blog. As I was reading about worship not to long ago, the Holy Spirit said, “Your worship to me will be in your writing.” I was asking God this Tuesday April 12, 2022 (33 years later) how do I celebrate my best friend in writing? Who would be my best audience? I visited his burial site, placed fresh roses, prayed, and spent some time with him. I have since been published in 2 Veteran Journals, and my book on Poems and Prose will be released for Columbus Day weekend 2022.

I want to thank God for directing my path. I close with this. I have discovered 2 truths since I gave my life to Christ. (1) Nothing happens to me without God’s permission, and (2) Everything that happens is for my good. I leave my readers with the following “Love your God with all thine heart and soul, and love thy neighbor as thyself. I live by these 2 principles daily. To God be the glory.

From the Desk of Andy Ansola.

April 13, 2022

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