Divided loyalty

I write this blog having recently concluded my fourth Daniel fast for 2023. As I seek God and draw closer to Him I have concluded that my current challenges were all self imposed because of my divided loyalty back then when I had to take a stand. I made poor choices that are affecting me now. However, I have discovered the secret. Seeking a closer relationship with God has been my weapon of this spiritual warfare that is real.

I am not a fan of ‘news’ because I know from personal experience, ‘if it bleeds it lead’. Thus the media heightens feelings of anxiety and panic, feeling that you can be the next victim. With a divided loyalty it is easy to forget who gave us life. This divided loyalty stems from the ‘Jeckel and Hyde’ mentality. In the workplace we portray one personality and in our homes another. For the Believers we hear a good word for the week but how soon we forget and change our personality based on our choice of friendship and who we listen to. This is the hallmark of divided loyalty. We are loyal to the world and its goods and disloyal to the truth of God.

The solution!? Choose! At the end of Joshua 24:15 he clearly states “as for me and my house we will serve the Lord.” With the advent of social media we are now exposed to everything and anything. What we know is wrong we are calling right, and what we know is right we are calling wrong. Wake up people, the world influences most of the decisions that are made. I urge everyone reading this blog (and the past blogs) to make a decision as to whom you are prepared to serve the world or the Kingdom? This week examine yourself. Ask yourself the hard question. If I was to die today where would be my eternity? A morbid question especially that life is just great. I have the big house surrounded by the white picket fence, money in the bank, great children, cars of my choice, and my health is good….but where would be my eternity when I leave this body?

In Luke 12:19-21 God says to the man who got full of himself like King Nebuchadnezzar, “You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?” Many of us know that we are living wrong and not in adherence to the word of God (including me at times), and it is not too late to become loyal to the Kingdom rather than the world. This week I ask everyone to examine themselves and get right with God before it is too late. Look around, wake up, stop lying to yourselves. You re not in charge, although it feels like it. Where is your loyalty? I choose the Kingdom. Make your choice today. I choose Jesus!

From the desk of Andy Ansola

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