A Thorn in the Flesh

What is this ‘thorn in the flesh’ really, and who does it apply to? Everyone has it, Buddha had it, Martin Luther King Jr. had it, even Jesus had it; and as long as one lives in this earthen vessel there will always be one. Although this is taken from scripture, it is evident that on a daily basis both Believers on non-Believers face it. No one is exempt. So again, what is this ‘thorn in the flesh’?

As we search ourselves for answers, we uncover those deep wounds that have plagued us in one way or another. The job that was lost or given away (we had all the signs and time to fix but disregarded), the relationship, the diagnosis from the doctor, the finances, you name it. What is your thorn?

As I speak through my writing to my audience, I implore everyone that there needs to be a ‘thorn in the flesh’. I recall the saying no pain no gain. That is true. The pain creates our character, and without it we would not be inspired to reach out for help or do anything at all. It is amazing that the people we idolize also have ‘thorns in their flesh’, but they can cover it up well on the outside with money. Take a look at the suicide rate of the rich and so called famous. A nagging thorn brings everyone to their senses. This is called humility.

As you read this blog, I want my readers to examine themselves and ask the question, “What is my thorn? What is the Lazarus at my door that I neglect daily?”(that another blog entirely). Food for thought? We all have thorns and they will never be removed. Our thorns brings us to that place of surrender. Some cry about the pain in the open, most cry about the pain in secret. Which one are you? Open or secret? But there is a voice that says clearly, “My power is made perfect in your weakness.” Slow down and listen to that voice. And this voice cannot be denied if you woke up today.

To conclude, I believe our thorns changes as I reflect on my personal life experiences that got me to this point. Until we listen to that voice and understand the implications, no drugs, sex, or money can remove that ‘thorn in the flesh’. That thorn is there for a higher purpose, even before you were created, by a power greater than us. The thorn makes us realize that without it we will self-destruct. What is your thorn? A secret best kept?

From the Desk of Andy Ansola

Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes

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