
Cancel! This is the word I heard from the Holy Spirit this past week during my early morning devotion. This word was not only for me but for whoever reads this blog.

The Back Story

In 2017 HeartsFlow was stagnant and God had plans to revive it. It all started in 2016 when I was terminated from JetBlue under ‘strange’ circumstances. By divine intervention, I was planted at Recovery First, a dual-diagnosis treatment center in Hollywood Florida where I received favor. At my orientation, I did the ‘weirdest’ thing. Instead of being the old Andy and impressing others with who I am and what I brought to the table, I simply said, ‘My name is Andy and I am a Christian.” These 9 words instantly brought life back into the dormant HeartsFlow. One week later, my supervisor came to me and said, “I remember what you said in orientation. I have been praying to God for a faith-based program…and you are the answer.” She was also a Christian.

I was now leading the charge for everything faith-based with the backing of my supervisor. I was also responsible for field trips, outings, and the like. My home church Daybreak Assembly in Tamarac, Florida was having an event to feed the homeless downtown Broward Blvd in Ft. Lauderdale, and I decided to make this a field trip for the residents. I collected the snack packs from Daybreak Assembly and we distributed them to the homeless. This was one of the best feelings I had in quite a while, and many of the residents were moved to tears. This was the official birth of HeartsFlow’s ‘Off the Streets’ initiative. HeartsFlow had fed the homeless in the past, but now there was consistency where the homeless would look forward to us coming.

‘Feeding and Clothing the Homeless’ then became a monthly activity on the last Saturday of every month for both HeartsFlow as a ministry and Recovery First. Clothes and supplies were donated from cleaners, family, friends, and acquaintances. And Recovery First partnered with HeartsFlow to supply the snack packs and sort and label the clothes. HeartsFlow would purchase socks and underwear (their biggest need), and volunteer barbers would provide free haircuts. In the 12 Steps, this is Step 12-’Giving back’. I was now leading a flock of residents who were thirsty for the Word, and the homeless community also where I became known as Pastor Andy. At times there was standing room only in my faith-based classes at Recovery First and lengthy prayer lines at the homeless event. So for the past 7 years, HeartsFlow has been a provider for the homeless with increased intensity; a beacon of hope. HeartsFlow’s goal is to provide wrap-around services followed by eventual permanent housing.

On March 28, 2021 (my unofficial birthday), God took me to Psalm 82:3-4 (The Voice) to give me the calling for the vision of ‘Off the Streets’ and HeartsFlow’s mission. It reads, “Stand up for the poor and the orphans; advocate for the rights of the afflicted and those in need. Deliver the poor and the needy; rescue them from their evil oppressors.”

In 2023 there was an unusual revival. First, through my new position as the Community Liaison at Recovery First and a series of other events I was linked up to my forever brother and sister in the Lord Jordan and Yami Marrale. What a blessing! Simultaneously, on July 4, 2023, my co-workers Omnia Hanson VP of Operations and VP Clinical Director Andrea Connell I was allowed to share HeartsFlow’s vision and mission with them. And they willingly came on board. Sometime later VP IT Peter Woznicki and VP of Administration Andrea Chan joined the team through observing and experiencing the power behind HeartsFlow. HeartsFlow is now positioned to accomplish the ‘Off the Streets’ campaign.

With this new burst of energy, HeartsFlow was able to reorganize and be ready for our ‘next steps’. In seeking funding with our new plan we met with our Congresswoman Sheila McCormick who endorsed HeartsFlow’s efforts. However, to get federal funding we needed to be up and running. With everything in place-location, staff, and the works we are seeking funding.


Now, to God’s word ‘Cancel’! As the Founder, President, and CEO of HeartsFlow Inc. I decided to fast and launch a GoFundMe tomorrow, Monday, June 10, 2024. HeartsFlow had Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and every other social media platform saturated with videos and interviews with the homeless population. Sure, GoFundMe!. That’s when I was scolded by God with the word, “Cancel!”. “Are You serious God?” I asked with a heavy heart. “After all of this planning with a few days to go, Cancel"? Really?” “Yes. Cancel!” said the Holy Spirit. “You see you are taking a worldly approach to a kingdom business. That’s not what Believers do. I have positioned you and blessed you with many gifts and connected you with the right people. You now have an arsenal of people who have seen your heart and passion for the homeless, who have seen your works, whom you have led to Christ, whom you have preached My word to, whose lives you have changed and saved by your compassion and the leading of the Holy Spirit, who knows somebody, who knows somebody, who knows somebody…… who they can share your need for funding with. I have My people in place to respond. Cancel! and trust me. Cancel! and continue to be faithful to me….do not fear. Remember the word I spoke to you in 1989 in Joshua 1:6 “Be strong and courageous…..Just trust me and be humble and patient. Today after worship, head home and write this blog. There are some readers of this blog who have made other worldly plans like you had and I am speaking to their hearts right now. I am saying the same thing I said to you..Cancel!!!!. That sin you are about to commit that you know breaks my heart..Cancel! That thought you had that you know is wrong..Cancel! That decision to do the ‘next wrong thing…Cancel!’. I am saying Cancel!! Cancel!! Cancel!!!

In obedience to God the Promise Keeper and Deliverer, today, I ask you the reader to join with me and cancel! every worldly plan and trust in God. Tell me one time that God has failed you. If you are alive today…you cannot. I am just the messenger. Let’s listen to that still voice that is speaking to our hearts right now. Be obedient and Cancel!

From the Desk of Dr. Andy Ansola
Dr. Andy From Miami Podcast

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