I heard this statement in worship yesterday by Bishop Larry Macon. Bishop Macon shared his experience when his IPad was locked and the painstaking task to have it unlocked. When he finally got to the Apple store the agent fumbled around for about 5 minutes and the item was repaired. Bishop Macon then went on to ask the agent why could he not have it repaired on the phone? And the reply was, he had to come in so that the previous attempts can be erased. Who else can erase and start anew but the manufacturer of life? The one and only God.

How profound! This is what the Holy Spirit has been calling us to do all the while. To come in, so that God can erase our previous attempts in all areas of out lives. Whether it is relationships, finances, health, grief, addictions, etc. Only God can erase our previous attempts at anything that we have tried and failed at in the past. The enemy will continue to remind us of our past and see ourselves as unworthy.

But God, with his grace and mercy has called us to HIm. To lay our burdens at His feet, and He will erase every memory of the past that hinders us. I thank God for his indescribable gift that He has bestowed on us. Do you want to erase you previous attempts in the past? Run to Him. He is waiting with arms wide open like the Prodigal Father.


Dr. Andy Ansola

The Andy From Miami Show

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