Instant Flesh

What a week! And many were at the point of, “What else could possibly happen?” I often think of ABC’s sports recap on Sunday afternoons-the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat. From great joy-to unquenchable sorrow in an INSTANT. The high of landing the perfect job with benefits; buying the dream house; promotion; getting married or engaged; checking another destination off from the bucket list; graduating; passing-if not acing the exam; celebrating a birthday; accomplishing another milestone; finally out of denial and into treatment-addiction now being managed; no longer homeless; buying that car and no longer having to ride the bus; praying for the first time in a long time; prayers answered; baby born or on the way; regained the trust of loved ones having made amends; forgiving and being forgiven; trust renewed; resentments gone; won the case in court; lost prodigal back home; savings account looking good; finally at peace with self; baptized; gave your life to Christ at the altar. And this laundry can be extended. Yes! What a week of great victories filled with joy!

And suddenly! In an INSTANT, it seems like hell breaks open, and the joy evaporates. The Job experience begins. Loss of health-hospitalized; grief-loss of a loved one, anticipatory or otherwise; fired; wrongfully accused; relationship heading south; divorce papers served and in hand; finances jacked-stock market drop, bank account compromised, account frozen, house in foreclosure, homeless; bad news from the doctor; dependent on substance and in denial; incarcerated; DUI-killing or injuring the innocent, injuring self, damage to property; lost the court case; loss of faith and trust; engaged in other destructive behaviors such as gambling, sex, pornography in order to cope; abused; experiencing natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, fire; lack of opportunity to get help; abandoned and rejected; overdosed; relapsed. During these trials one tends to forget that Psalm 46: 1 states “God is our shelter and our strength, When trouble seems near, God is nearer, and He’s ready to help, So why run and hide?

Now begs the question.??? “How can I go from one extreme of profound joy to unquenchable sorrow in an INSTANT?” Let the truth be told. There is a daily battle going on within your members between the flesh and the spirit. Whether a Believer or not, atheist or agnostic, there is no denial of the facts when self examination occurs. These two entities fight a daily war. Many have allowed the flesh to gain the upper hand because it gives great pleasure in self-gratification and there is no waiting period. The microwave generation is on the move. Instant this, instant that, ‘if it feels good do it’ rules the day, and the flesh continues to have a field day. The spirit on the other hand is ignored, because it responds on its own timing (too slow). The spirit ensures that one gets the lesson and pass the test in order to matriculate successfully. With the spirit there is no INSTANT. “Where do you think your fighting and endless conflict come from? Don’t you think that they originate in the constant pursuit of gratification that rages inside of each of you like an uncontrolled militia?” James 4:1

To deal with this uncontrolled militia the Apostle Paul says emphatically, "Put on the full armor of God to protect yourselves from the devil and his evil schemes. We are not waging war against enemies of the flesh and blood alone. No, this fight is against tyrants, against authorities, against supernatural powers and demon princes that slither in the darkness of this world, and against wicked spiritual armies that lurk about in heavenly places.” Ephesians 6: 11-12. In all of this turmoil there is a message of hope. (1) Nothing happens to you without God’s permission, and (2) Everything…I mean everything….no matter how you label it, is happening for your good. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Acknowledge Him in all your ways and He will direct your path “ Proverbs 3:5-6

I pray that whoever is reading this would take a time out and talk to God as you seek the release from the bondage that you have found yourself in and share it. God’s wiling, I look forward to speak on the spiritual armor and transformation next week. I pray that this week God may remove the scales from your eyes, remove the desires of the instant flesh, and give the spirit an opportunity to have its way filling you with patience and obedience. Many are stuck today because we do not investigate what we hear or feel. Thus, we fill in the gap by developing our own opinions and then label it ‘the truth”.

Visit the gallery to see snapshots of the Feeding and Clothing the Homeless this past Saturday.

From the Desk of Andy Ansola

“Do the next right thing”

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